‘A Love Letter to my Father’ is a series of a work that recognises how her father’s world has changed as he has adjusted to old age and infirmity. From being an active internationally renowned psychologist, he now spends much of his time in his room. This space speaks for him. The objects within it hold stories of his past, his interests and professional achievements. The day-to-day items on the table by his chair reflect his activities as they change over time.
This series was exhibited at The James Hockey Gallery, Farnham and the Oxo Gallery London in 2019.
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View article in Embroidery Magazine
A three dimensional 1:5 scale interpretation of my Dad’s room in all its detail, from the floor plans to the wall elevations.
‘Pipe Stories’ incorporates images of Paula’s father over 50 years within the shape of his pipe. In 2019, he was very ill, and the love of his pipe was making him worse. Trying to take his pipe away from him brought home how important it was to him and how integral it had been to him throughout his life.
Table Dance is the observation of how the contents of the table next to where her father was sitting changed. “The unconscious selection and arrangement of these items reflected how my father was feeling”. Gradually things appeared that supported his ailing physicality and books, pens and glasses disappeared as he was unable to cope with these.